Monday, January 4, 2010

My fasting is not slowing

So, attempting to do training on the first day back after the Christmas and New Year break was not one of my better ideas. One pastor turned up 1 hour late, the others haven't shown yet. Consequently we have postponed the training till next week.

And that gives me more time to reconsider what I'm reconsidering, that is my decision that I and Emily shouldn't be personally involved in the Healing in the Streets ministry. I have been feeling that my decision may have been based on worldly wisdom, rather than it being what God wants. I've been feeling again that God wants me to be personally involved, rather than just supporting on the sidelines. Much as I would like to, I continue to argue with myself about why I should need to be involved. But maybe that's asking the wrong question. Yes, God can do it through Kenyans. Of course He doesn't need me to be involved. But maybe He wants to bless me by allowing me to see God working powerfully at first hand, through me?

Having fasted every Monday since the start of September, I had a break last Monday when we were away for a few days in Naivasha, and I ate. Interesting - I missed fasting. I'm not quite sure exactly what I missed about it, but my week felt different, not having fasted. And I was keen to get to today so I could fast again.

Having never fasted before, I find I'm still enjoying it, and I feel much more spiritually aware and alive on the days and weeks when I have fasted.

So my weekly fast continues.

1 comment:

  1. Hadn't realised you and Em wouldn't be joining in. Is it because you feel the people in Kibera would be more willing to accept prayer from Kenyans? Another week to prepare and contiue arguing with yourself! What do the pastors think?
