Monday, December 14, 2009

God delights in me!!

Praying for the people of Kibera again today: for God to send those He wants to heal; for God to continue to prepare the pastors on the team for their role; for the practicalities of the right site from which to operate; for God's Kingdom to come in Kibera; for God to be glorified through the HotS ministry; telling Satan he has no place in Kibera and that its people are covered by the blood of Jesus; for God's peace to flood Kibera; for freedom for the people of Kibera from all the things that have bound them; and there was probably more.

Looked at Isaiah 61, as poverty is a form of bondage that people need to be freed from, and God promises freedom for captives. Through healing and freedom, we long to see the whole of Kibera transformed into a place that is known as somewhere that God is glorified, where His peace reigns, where no witchdoctor can practice, where there is hope despite the poverty.

This week I'll be adapting the HotS training manual into something that hopefully will fit in the Kenyan culture. Then on 4th Jan we'll meet with the pastors and go through the training with them, and maybe practice a little on each other, or on some willing guinea pigs. Once that's done it'll be time to do it for real.

I had a wobble a couple of days ago when I started wondering if God would turn up when we do this, and I read Psalm 147. Verse 10 says 'the Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love'. And I thought, isn't it great how God uses the Bible to encourage us with the right words at the right time. My wobble lasted no more than 5 minutes before I had reassurance that God was delighting in me because I was putting my hope in Him and His love for the people of Kibera.

What better reassurance could there be than to know that God is delighting in me - nothing else matters!


  1. Hi Jon

    I quoted your "lighter me" blog in a recent sermon, picking up on the idea of taking re assurance from reflecting on God's provision in the past.

    But God's promises give comfort too and one that I have found very meaning ful is Proverbs 3:5 Trust inn the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight."

    Have a great Christmas


  2. God delights in you Jon and loves you with all his heart.

    We wonder if God will turn up on the streets, but the truth is he is always there amongst those who are hurting, broken, and far from him. God wonders if we will join him.

    Be Blessed Jon! :o)
