Monday, November 9, 2009

Getting nervous

Starting to read Lamentations today, as part of my preparations. I've only looked at chapter 1 today, but there are already many similarities between the people living in the ruins of Jerusalem and those living in Kibera. For example, v 11: 'All her people groan as they search for bread; they barter their treasures for food to keep themselves alive.' For many mums in Kibera, you could change treasures for bodies.

Kibera is a place full of every kind of depravity, full of destitute and desperate people, a place of much darkness. I long to see the light of God shining brightly here, and I believe that through God's healing power, His glory will be revealed in Kibera, and the darkness will begin to be pushed back.

I've also been praying about my role in all of this, and am beginning to think it may be to train and equip local pastors in the 'Healing on the Streets' model, and then to release them into this type of ministry. But I'm not sure yet, so will continue to seek God's guidance on this. It could just be that as the time approaches to start something, I'm conveniently finding myself a way out of being on the front line? Although I'd actually enjiy being involved, so I don't know. I'm also not sure if me being a mzungu (white person) will send the wrong message if I'm involved hands on - ie that God works through the whites, and that isn't a message I'd want to be conveying, even by accident.

So, I think the time has come to begin to get a group of pastors together to be a part of this. Pastors who can catch the vision, and who can commit to being a part of it, including the training, and a regular weekly healing ministry time. And once we're trained and equipped, it'll be up to God to turn up in power. And for us to deflect all the glory back to him. Sound simple, but as the time gets nearer, I find I have more voices in my head expressing doubts that what we're thinking of is really of God. So I'm having to just put my shoes of faith on, and walk blindly on, trusting that God is leading me.

But I am a little nervous!


  1. Go for it!!!

    The HOTS model is simple, but profound. Gentle, and yet powerful. Awash with the presence and love of God. All that's needed is someone with a pulse who follows Jesus. :o)

    My only warning is that connecting with God's heart in this way is highly addictive, and life changing.

    Be super blessed!

  2. WHenI visited kibera in 2oo2 I found lots of wonderful work being done in CHrist's name, and a people very receptive to prayer not least by KICOSHEP staff and St John's Pumwani
