Monday, October 19, 2009

A work in progress

How great is my desire for God. Does my soul 'pant' for Him as in Psalm 42? Does my soul 'thirst' and my flesh 'yearn' for him - Ps 63? Do I count everything as loss compared to the value of knowing Christ - Phil 3:8?

No. I guess I don't.

Do I want to? Am I brave enough to say to God that nothing else matters, only Him? To put complete faith and trust in Him?


But I'm closer to being able to honestly do that than I was a year ago. Even than I was a couple of months ago when I began fasting.

I guess I'm a work in progress, and though I may well never get to that point of complete, total and utter surrender of every part of me and my life to God and His purposes for me, and I will continue to be satisfied in some areas, to some degree, by things rather than by God, as long as I'm not accepting mediocrity, but always striving for more holiness, more of God in my life, I guess I'm going the right way at least.

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